2016 9 22 日,江苏省产业技术研究院、苏州市工业园区和澳大利亚两院院士、中国工程院外籍院士余艾冰教授团队三方正式签约组建工业过程模拟与优化研究所。并注册成立公司制独立法人研发机构:江苏集萃工业过程模拟与优化研究所有限公司。


服务范围:食品医药制备、纳米及粉体材料、化工冶金、矿物加工、能源环保和水泥建材制备等工业过程,结合现代计算机技术提 高对各种过程工业系统的认知,为过程工程的设计、控制、优  化和进一步技术开发提供依据。

研究所目前已聚集了数名中国、澳大利亚及欧美院士、众多行业知名专家以及来自企业的高级技术人员,组建了一支国际顶尖水平的过程工业研发团队。目前已有体 6800 多平米的研发和办公场所,并从多方资源获得近亿元资金用于未来五年建设期的项目研发和人才引进。

On September 22, 2016, Jiangsu Institute of Industrial Technology, Suzhou Industrial Park and Australian Academicians, Chinese Academy of Engineer- ing Professor Yu Aibing team of foreign academicians officially signed a con- tract to establish the Institute of Industrial Process Simulation and Optimiza- tion. And registered the establishment of a company independent legal person R & D institutions: Jiangsu Jizhi Industrial Process Simulation and Optimiza- tion Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Key R&D: Advanced granular computing technology, high-performance computing and control platform, intelligent industrial process information, process strengthening and innovation.

Scope of service: Food and pharmaceutical preparation, nanometer and powder materials, chemical metallurgy, mineral processing, energy and envi- ronmental protection, cement building materials preparation and other indus- trial processes, combined with modern computer technology to improve the understanding of various process industrial systems, process engineering design, control, optimization and further technical development to provide a basis.

At present, the Institute has gathered several academicians from China, Aus- tralia, Europe and America, many well-known industry experts and senior technicians from enterprises to form an international top-level process indus- try R&D team. At present, there are more than 6800 square meters of R&D and office space, and from various resources to obtain nearly 100 million yuan for the next five years of project development and talent introduction.




